Kvochka is a popular brand in the packaged eggs segment. Kvochka offers consumers high-quality and healthy products at an attractive price. We produce our own feed for laying hens and we know for a fact that Kvochka eggs are not only healthy but also very tasty. Kvochka - branded eggs have been endorsed by the Ukrainian Research Institute of Nutrition.
Our Brand
Packaged eggs under the Kvochka brand portfolio are represented in the most popular consumer segments. Due to the balanced pricing policy and broad assortment, we provide Ukrainian consumers with the best selection of quality products and ensure the long-term growth of the Company’s business.
Kvochka-branded eggs are sold through approximately 2,000 retail outlets throughout Ukraine, whilst the share of sales of Kvochka-branded eggs on the market of packaged products is steadily increasing.

DOMASHNI (Homelaid)*
Nothing beats homelaid eggs, be it for a family breakfast, feast or for baking delicious pastries. We make sure we deliver high-quality eggs to your table. Domashny (Homelaid) branded eggs are eggs from hens that receive all our loving care and natural feeds. These eggs are nutritious, healthy and very tasty!
*Kvochka Domashni branded eggs taste as homelaid eggs.

Kvochka XL’s cartons contain ten premium table eggs (Extra-large (XL)), each weighing over 73 grammes. Kvochka XL is priced at the higher end of the Kvochka range of packaged eggs targeting customers looking for the premium eggs.

Kvochka PREMIUM offers ten large shell eggs (С0/L), each weighing 63-72.9 grammes. The high quality of Kvochka PREMIUM has been confirmed by Halal Global Ukraine, ensuring quality, hygiene and food safety.

Kvochka Vilnyi Vyhul (Free range) - are tasty and healthy eggs from free-range chickens in their natural environment. For special eggs there is a special packaging - it is made from raw materials of plant origin and is eco-friendly.

These small size eggs are a real treasure trove of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, they are perfect for children and adults who adhere to healthy and balanced nutrition.

We offer Ukrainian buyers a modern product under the Organic Eggs brand. This product takes the top spot in the Kvochka brand portfolio and celebrates the company's commitment to offering only fresh and natural products.
**Production of this brand has been temporarily suspended.

More information is available at: kvochka.com.ua